Striving for perfection is necessary for any project. Even more so when we are talking about the leader of the Russian exposition market, MVK holding. Each of the expositions is to be held not only on the “appropriate level”, we are striving for them to become better than the previous ones. Our company is now perfectly comfortable on the ground. That is when we came up with the idea to sail up into the sky. Thus the idea “First exposition in the stratosphere” came about . We are proud that our exposition is associated with such an event as the non-stop flight of V.Chkalov and we are proud that the dream of the distinguished Russia pilot, Anatoliy Kvochur, and that of numerous admirers of Russian aviation came true thanks to our efforts.
September 8th, 2006: un unprecedented MVK project “Still higher, and higher, and higher!” was launched.
The project brings together two interrelated “Exposition of MVK achievements in the stratosphere” (held at a height of over 12,000 m) and a non-stop flight by Russian hero, a distinguished test pilot Anatoliy Kvochur following the itinerary Moscow- isle of Chkalov (Far East)- Moscow on board a Su-30 plane.

A link between these two events is the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the non-stop flight by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Valery Chkalov, made in July 1936. Anatoliy Kvochur has repeated Chkalov’s itinerary. The team made by two pilots, commanded by A.N.Kvochur will cover more than 12500km on board a Su-30. It will take them around 14 hours and 30 minutes. During the flight, Anatoliy Kvochur will have to perform several times one of the most complicated elements of acrobatic flying: 4 refuelings will be made from 2 IL-78 tankers right in the air!
This flight promises to be one of the most eminent achievements of the distinguished test pilot that will attract the special attention of the government, political leaders and the media!
Crew on board the Su-30
Anatoliy Nikolaevich Kvochur: a distinguished test pilot of the USSR, Hero of the Russian Federation
Serguey Viktorovich Korostiev: second pilot, test pilot.
That very day the “Exposition of MVK achievements in the stratosphere” will be launched. An exposition will be held on board the refueling Il-78 tanker that will mount in the air to effect the refueling of the Su-30. The exposition will present the most eminent projects of the leading Russian exposition company.
Geography of the exposition: Tomsk-Ryazan.
The crew of the refueling Il78 tankers
Vladimir Viktorovich Biryukov — crew commander, test pilot
Vladimir Konstantinovich Shpak — navigator-test pilot
Dmitry Vladimirovich Rusinov — navigator
Alexander Vladimirovich Shapovalov — flight radio operator
Nikolay Ivanovich Semenets — flight engineer
Vitaliy Mikhailovich Dobrydnev — flight engineer
Mikhail Vasilievich Reutov — refueling mechanic
Pavel Nikolaevich Shalygin — crew commander
Oleg Valerievich Burkov — assistant commander
Igor Vladimirovich Shkuro — navigator
Alexander Alekseevich Alekseev — flight radio operator
Viktor Vladimirovich Eliseev — flight engineer
Yuri Stepanovich Rad’kov — flight engineer
Evgeniy Vasilievich Chistyakov — refueling mechanic
“The Record Book of Russia” and the “ Guinness World Records” will follow up this project attentively and they will register this historic fact “Exposition of MVK achievements in the stratosphere” at a height of over 12 000m. During the flight, the events in support of this project will be held on the ground. The flight will have a large coverage in the media.
Mobile Museum
The framework of the project included a mobile museum dedicated to the heroic deeds of Valery Chkalov. The exposition displayed personal things of the famous pilot, the log-book, unique photos and other exhibits given by the Memorial museum of V. Chkalov. The mobile museum was put on show at the largest Moscow exhibitions organized by MVK, and visited the State Duma of Russia.

“The exposition of MVK achievements in the stratosphere” is one more outstanding project by MVK. Following the numerous requests of the exponents, the direction of the holding made a decision not to limit the exposition in the stratosphere by any field of industry. Mounting to a new level, the exposition projects of MVK holding will create the basis for the future rise of the Russian economy and will strengthen the position of the Russian enterprises on the domestic and international markets. The holding of the exposition in the stratosphere associated with the 70th anniversary of the great flight by Valery Chkalov reveals a bright spirit of leadership and patriotism of MVK holding.